The energy performance of buildings

The need to improve the energy efficiency of buildings is consensual at European level. Common concerns with the achievement of the Kyoto Protocol targets together with the security of energy supply and the fact that buildings in domestic and service sectors consume 40% of global energy, have led the European Commission to move forward in 2002 with the publication of a Community directive on the energy performance of buildings.

Within the framework of this directive, Member States should ensure that consumers receive an energy certificate when applying for a usage license of a building or housing unit, and whenever a commercial transaction, sale or lease of an existing building or unit is carried out. Energy certificates must be valid for a maximum of 10 years and certification must be carried out by qualified experts.

The partial transposition of this European directive into national legislation was carried out in Portugal in April 2006 and the Energy Certification System for Buildings (SCE) was established. The aim is to inform citizens of opportunities to improve comfort, save energy and protect the environment. It came into force on 1 July 2007. National legislation was subsequently updated in December 2013.

The managing body of the Energy Certification System for Buildings (SCE) is ADENE – Energy Agency and the supervisor is the Directorate-General of Energy and Geology.

the energy certificate

What is the energy certificate and what is it for?

The energy certificate of buildings is a document assessing the energy efficiency of a building or housing unit on a scale of A+ (very efficient) to F (very inefficient), issued by independent qualified experts (engineers, technical engineers or architects).

Energy Class

The information requirements regarding the energy class of properties or housing units have changed since the launch of the Energy Certification System for Buildings. In the figure alongside we can compare the original energy certification template with the current one.

  • The document, in digital format, is secure, being unique for each property or housing unit and it informs the consumer citizen about:
  • The scale of energy efficiency or energy class
  • The characteristics of the property or housing unit: window insulation, ventilation, air conditioning and the production of hot water and its effect on energy consumption
  • The improvement measures that can be taken to reduce consumption, improve comfort and health, e. g. the installation of efficient windows with a CLASS+ energy label or the strengthening of external or internal isolation, for example
  • Tax breaks and access to specific financing where available

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A Etiqueta ENERGÉTICA classe+

A etiqueta energética CLASSE+

A etiqueta para janelas é uma forma nova e mais fácil para os consumidores saberem quais as janelas mais eficientes, com que poderão poupar energia e ganhar em conforto. Tudo isto usando a já familiar escala de cores, de “F” a “A+”.

A etiqueta CLASSE+ inclui também outras informações técnicas mais detalhadas, nomeadamente, os parâmetros de cálculo que serviram para determinação do desempenho energético, para além de dados complementares relacionados com as características do vidro e a capacidade de atenuação acústica da janela.


Como ler a etiqueta energética:

1. Identificação do fabricante


3. Classe energética

4. Nível de conforto (Verão/Inverno))

5. Transmissão térmica da janela

6. Características técnicas do vidro

7. Classe de permeabilidade ao ar

8. Atenuação acústica

9. QR Code